新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘晓庆穿红衣与友人合影 大秀白皙美腿(图)

刘晓庆穿红衣与友人合影 大秀白皙美腿(图)

Liu Xiaoqing to wear red and his friends photo show white legs (Figure)

2015-07-03 00:58:01来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动() 刘晓庆微博截图 刘晓庆微博截图 中新网7月2日电 今日上午,刘晓庆通过微博中晒出多张与友人在大理相聚的合照。照片中,刘晓庆穿着红色上衣,大秀白皙美腿。 网友看到照片后纷纷留言,“六十岁的年龄,十八岁的容颜,真是长生不老”、“身材棒棒哒”、“青春不老啊”、“腿好长...

participate in interactive () microblogging microblogging screenshot Liu Liu Xiaoqing screenshots in Beijing, July 2 (Xinhua) this morning, Liu Xiaoqing through microblogging drying out a gather together with friends in Dali photo. Photo, Liu Xiaoqing wearing a red shirt, big white legs. Users see the photos have a message, "sixty years of age, 18 year old face, really is the elixir of life", body Bang Bang Da "," youth are not old ah "," long legs.