新关注 > 信息聚合 > 燃烧吧少年 舒淇亲自上阵 李宇春表现相当认真

燃烧吧少年 舒淇亲自上阵 李宇春表现相当认真

Burn the young Hsu Chi Li Yuchun himself very seriously

2015-12-12 06:51:42来源: 杭州网

由浙江卫视、天娱传媒、腾讯视频联合出品的《燃烧吧少年!》已经录制过半,几位少年以及李宇春和舒淇这两位“掌门”都在网上收获热议。 《燃烧吧少年!》是一个偶像真人秀节目,节目组选了已经接受过三个月培...

by Zhejiang satellite TV, days of entertainment media, Tencent Video Co produced "burn children! "Has been recorded more than half, several young, Li Yuchun and Hsu Chi the two" head "in the online hot harvest. "Burn the boy! "Is a reality show, the program group has received three months training...