新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩国新年第一对:影帝李政宰与三星集团前“太子妃..


Korean New Year: first to actor Jae Lee and Samsung Group "Princess..

2015-01-04 11:53:48来源: 荆楚网

韩国媒体Dispatch新闻网每逢新年元旦曝光明星恋情绯闻似乎已成惯例,今天一早,Dispatch就曝出韩国A咖男星李政宰与韩国三星集团前“太子妃”——韩国食品业大象集团千金林世玲的恋情。 两人...

South Korean media Dispatch news during the new year's day exposure star affair scandal seems to have become established practice, this morning, Dispatch was discovered South Korea A coffee actor Jae Lee and South Korea's Samsung group before the" Princess "-- Lin Shiling s Korean food industry elephant group love. Two people...

标签: 三星