新关注 > 信息聚合 > 红外相机记录到野生大熊猫罕见雪景照(组图)


Infrared camera to record the wild pandas rare snow photos (Photos)

2016-04-14 02:13:28来源: 国际在线

由甘肃白水江国家级自然保护区管理局白马河保护站提供的红外相机拍摄画面显示,一只野生大熊猫在甘肃省陇南市文县铁楼乡一带的森林中雪中漫步(2月4日摄)。 甘肃是我国大熊猫三个分布省之一,根据2015年第四次全国大熊猫调查结果,甘肃省大熊猫数量共有132只,其中,地处甘肃与四川交界的白水江...

By Gansu Baishuijiang National Nature Protection Area Management Bureau of Baima River Protection Station with an infrared camera footage showed, a giant pandas in the wild in Gansu Province Longnan City Iron County building in the rural area of forest snow stroll (February 4, photo). Gansu Province is China's giant three distribution one of the province, according to the 2015 fourth national giant panda survey results, the number of pandas in Gansu Province total 132. One, located in the Gansu and Sichuan at the junction of the Baishuijiang...