新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宏碁笔记本: 热卖四代i5独显本 Win8.1宏碁V3不足..

宏碁笔记本: 热卖四代i5独显本 Win8.1宏碁V3不足..

Acer Notebook: selling the four generation i5 alone significantly the Win8.1 Acer V3 third media lack of..

2015-02-15 20:40:25来源: 第三媒体

[摘要] 宏碁Aspire V3-572G-59TB是目前市面上热卖超薄15.6英寸笔记本,采用超薄LED背光丽镜宽屏,内置四代酷睿i5处理器、4GB DDR3内存、2G独立显卡、杜比音效音效系...

[Abstract: Acer Aspire V3-572G-59TB is currently on the market selling ultra-thin 15.6 inch notebook, the ultra-thin LED backlight, mirror screen, built-in four generation core i5 processor, 4GB DDR3 memory, 2G graphics card, Dolby sound sound system...