新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华盛昌专营店NISSAN新车大赏


Huashengchang franchise stores NISSAN car awards

2015-12-03 18:48:21来源: 爱卡汽车网

12月5日是什么日子?快来围观... ... 12月5日(本周六)北京华盛昌专营店举办NISSAN新车大赏试驾会,本次活动促销力度空前,全系车型打破价格惊爆您的眼球。 借此时机,我在偷偷告诉...

12 5 day is what day? Come onlookers... December 5 day (Saturday) Beijing everbest franchise stores held Nissan New Car awards test drive will, the promotion of unprecedented, all models break price Jing explodes your eye. Take this opportunity, I'm secretly told...