新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为何《最后的守护者》PS3版跳票跳没了


Why the last guardian version of PS3 bounced jump no

2015-07-10 06:08:19来源: 中关村在线

许多玩家或许和我有着同样的疑问,《最后的守护者》原本预定是登陆PS3平台,就当时的游戏画面来说,应该不会存在什么问题,为何游戏最终一路跳票跳到了PS4平台呢? 近日游戏制作人上田文人在接受Gam...

many players perhaps and I have the same question, the last guardian was originally scheduled landing on the PS3 platform, at the time of the game screen should not exist what problem, why the final game bouncing jumped to the PS4 platform? Recently, the game producer Ueda Fumihito in accepting Gam...

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