新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【美丽河北·乡村游】首届红石沟百花节16日开幕


"Beautiful, hebei rural tourism," the first fort ditch flowers festival opening on the 16th

2016-07-05 15:41:40来源: 长城网

长城网7月5日讯(记者 郑光昊)盛夏时节到来,在邢台沙河市的红石沟休闲生态农场里,200亩进口花卉组成的巨大田园花海即将迎来盛花期。7月16日,由邢台市旅游局、沙河市政府主办的2016邢台乡村旅游暨...

The Great Wall network - July 5 (reporter Zheng Guanghao) summer is coming, in xingtai city of redstone ditch ecological leisure farm, 200 mu of imported flowers vast rural flowers is about to usher in full bloom. On July 16, hosted by the government of xingtai tourism bureau, the city of the 2016 xingtai rural tourism and...