新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一杯清茶“烹”出满满正能量


A cup of tea "cooking out" full of positive energy

2016-06-08 07:24:28来源: 环球网

成都,这座泡在茶缸里的城市,无处不洋溢着茶的芬芳。人们印象中的成都茶馆“长”这样:低矮的藤编桌椅三三两两散落在古香古色的茶室里,旧式的戏台上有精彩的川剧表演,三五茶客扎堆摆龙门阵,可以从早一直坐到晚。 而今,成都锦江区的部分茶馆“变脸”了。“现在进了茶馆不打麻将、不打牌,改成听戏、听...

Chengdu, this mug soak in the city, everywhere filled with the fragrance of tea. Chengdu teahouse people the impression that "long": three thousand three hundred twenty-two low rattan chairs scattered in the quaint tea room, a wonderful old-fashioned opera performances on stage, a few patrons get together and chat, has been able to sit from morning to late. Now, Jinjiang District Chengdu teahouse part of the "face" of the. "Now into the teahouse not play mahjong, do not play cards, listen into play, listen ...