新关注 > 信息聚合 > NBL第10轮-陕西客擒广西夺回榜首 河南大胜郑州

NBL第10轮-陕西客擒广西夺回榜首 河南大胜郑州

NBL in the 10th round - Shaanxi passenger escape Guangxi recapture Henan victory over the top of Zhengzhou Sina

2015-08-14 23:57:57来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间8月14日,NBL全国男子篮球联赛常规赛第10轮鸣金收兵,南京军区悦达主场69-58力擒拉萨净土;河南赊店老酒队主场105-84大胜郑州大运;北京东方雄鹿队主场97-114不敌安徽文一;广西威壮客场85-92不敌陕西信达。第10轮战罢,陕西8胜1负排名第一,安徽同样8...

sina sports news Beijing time on August 14, the NBL National Basketball League regular season in the 10th round Mingjin withdraw troops, Nanjing Yueda home 69-58 Liqin pure Lhasa; Zhengzhou Dayun 105-84 Henan Shedian wine home team victory over; Beijing Oriental bucks home 97-114 not enemy Anhui Wenyi; Guang Xi Wei Zhuang road it not enemy Shaanxi Xinda. Tenth Harding Park, Shaanxi 8 wins and 1 losses ranked first, Anhui 8...