新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4399生死狙击我就爱生死狙击喷漆怎么获得


4399 shooter I love life and death sniper painting how to obtain

2015-05-05 16:53:08来源: 4399

4399生死狙击我就爱生死狙击喷漆怎么获得?生死狙击如何获得我就爱生死狙击喷漆? 答:在4399生死狙击中,等级达到2级之后可以在解锁界面免费解锁获得永久时限的“我就爱生死狙击”喷漆。

4399 shooter I love life and death sniper painting how to get? How do I get the life and death sniper spray paint? Answer: in 4399 shooter, reached level 2 can unlock interface free unlock obtained a permanent time of "I love life and death sniper" of painting.