新关注 > 信息聚合 > 15位小学生园博会表演鼓乐行进 家长:更多的是自豪

15位小学生园博会表演鼓乐行进 家长:更多的是自豪

15 pupils Park Bo drum performance marching parents: more is proud

2015-09-27 20:10:43来源: 荆楚网

少年文艺表演者方阵 志愿者正在跟踪照顾小朋友们 荆楚网消息(记者 张城 通讯员 李英 刘俊杰)27日下午3点,园博园在太原园到台湾园这一段路上响起的阵阵鼓声, 吸引了很多游客的驻足并纷纷拍照。...

theatrical performers phalanx volunteers are tracking take care of kids who Jingchu net news (reporter correspondent Zhang Ying Liu Junjie) 27 days afternoon 3 point, Garden Expo Park in Taiyuan to bursts of Taiwan park this section of the road sounded the drums, attracting many tourists stop and have their pictures. ...