新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网友纠结要不要二孩 听听专家的意见再决定吧

网友纠结要不要二孩 听听专家的意见再决定吧

The two children debating whether or not to listen to the views of the experts to decide

2015-12-11 19:19:00来源: 大河网

近期,生育二孩成了人们聊天以及微信、微博的热门话题。“全面二孩”政策正式落地,不少家庭表示想再要一个孩子。 然而,生二孩可不是那么简单的事情,一定要三思而后行,为何这样说呢?请看记者的调查和相关...

recently, the birth of two children has become a hot topic among people and chat micro channel, microblogging. "Full two child" policy officially landed, many families said he wanted to have a child. However, two children are not so simple things, we must think twice before you leap, why do you say that? Please look at the reporter's investigation and related...