新关注 > 信息聚合 > wow黑石深渊BOSS傀儡统帅阿格曼奇怎么走?


How to get wow St BOSS puppet commander Aage Manky?

2014-10-14 00:36:08来源: 电玩巴士

问:wow黑石深渊BOSS傀儡统帅阿格曼奇怎么走? 答: 进本走中路向左可到达一个门,进去清怪,有一个大齿轮点掉,继续走上台左拐,若直走是竞技场观众席(不要直走),继续走会有岔路,向下是一个...

asked: how can I get wow St BOSS puppet commander Aage Manky? Answer: in the middle left go to a door, in pure and strange, a big gear point out, continue to go on the stage left, if straight ahead is the arena audience (not straight), continue to have diverged, down is a...