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苏宁代理主帅:1周2赛体能有问题 特谢拉非常重要

Suning Acting coach: 1 Week 2 match fitness has a very important issue Teixeira

2016-06-16 06:54:46来源: 网易

网易体育6月15日报道: 北京时间6月15日,为让路国足备战12强赛,中超第21轮提前进行,江苏苏宁主场对阵广州富力,最终双方1-1握手言和。赛后苏宁代理主教练唐京出席了新闻发布会。 发布会开始,唐京对本场比赛进行了点评,“今天这场比赛非常精彩,双方攻防节奏转换也很快。我们上一场跟上...

NEW YORK, June 15 reported: Beijing time on June 15, to make way for the 12 national football prepare for the finals, the Super 21 in advance, Jiangsu Suning home against Guangzhou R & F, eventually the two sides 1-1 draw. Saihousuning acting coach Tang Jing attended the press conference. Start of the conference, Tang Jing of this game made comments, "Today's game was very exciting, both offensive and defensive rhythm conversion soon. We keep up on a ...