新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首届大型公益登山赛在渭南华县少华山举行


The first tournament was held in a large public mountaineering less Huashan Hua county in Weinan

2016-04-26 21:09:22来源: 西部网

西部网讯(陕西广播电视台《新闻联播》记者 齐洪涛) 由陕西广播电视台新闻广播主办的“挑战青春 勇攀少华”公益登山赛近日在渭南华州区少华山举行,来自陕西各地的400多名选手参加了比赛。 陕西新闻广...

WEST Reuters (Shaanxi Broadcast Television "News Network" reporter Qi Hongtao) from Shaanxi radio and television news broadcasts sponsored "Youth Challenge Yong Pan Shaohua" public mountaineering race recently in Delaware District Weinan Huashan less held, more than 400 from around Shaanxi players participated in the competition. Shaanxi wide news ...