新关注 > 信息聚合 > 双LB极致暴力蝴蝶泉夺冠斩蚩尤


Double LB extreme violence butterfly spring title cut Chiyou

2015-05-17 23:44:14来源: 17173

第106联武神坛落下帷幕,上个月蝴蝶泉决赛时未能切入战斗,惜败。时隔一月,蝴蝶泉王者归来 决赛在蝴蝶泉和紫禁城之间展开,蝴蝶泉的阵容是LBC LBC MW PT DF,紫禁城的阵容是FC DF ...

106th Lian Wu altar falls next heavy curtain, the butterfly spring finals last month failed to enter a battle and defeat. After a lapse of January, King Hu diequan return finals between the butterfly spring and the Forbidden City, the butterfly spring lineup is LBC LBC MW Pt DF, the lineup of the Forbidden City is FC DF.