新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女导游重病坚持工作:“不然女儿没有生活费”


Female tour guide ill to work: "otherwise the daughter not living expenses"

2015-10-03 07:04:43来源: 中国网

生病前的徐小燕 西昌导游徐小燕身患重病还坚持工作的故事经成都商报客户端报道后引发各界关注来自全国各地的400多位导游纷纷为她捐款,目前已获捐12.6万元 成都商报记者 江龙 摄影报道 核心提示 她是一位乐观的导游,工作中她总是面带微笑,同事、游客说,“她很热情,总是能给人...

ill b ridge Xichang tour guide Xiao Yan Xu suffering from serious illness also adhere to the story after the Chengdu Business Daily reported the client triggered concern from all over the country more than 400 guides have for her contributions, has donated 12.6 million yuan in Chengdu Business Daily reporter Jianglong photo coverage core hints that she is an upbeat guide, work she always wears a smile on her face, colleagues, tourists said. "She is very warm, always can give a person...