新关注 > 信息聚合 > 江西9月淘汰黄标车和老旧车8.81万辆


Jiangxi in September the elimination of yellow sticker vehicles and old car 88100

2014-10-29 11:47:39来源: 中国新闻网

本报讯 记者陈艳伟报道:27日,记者获悉,26日环保部通报了2014年1~9月各地黄标车和老旧车淘汰进展情况。 根据环保部通报,截至9月底,全国31省(区、市)中有11个省(区、市)淘汰任务完成未过半。 根据环保部通报,1-9月,我省已淘汰黄标车和老旧车8.81万辆,完成年度任务...

the reporter Chen Yanwei reported: on the 27 day, the reporter was informed that the Ministry of environmental protection, 26 reported on in 2014 1 ~ September around the standard yellow cars and the old car eliminated progress. According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection informed, as of the end of 9, the national 31 provinces (area, city) in 11 provinces (area, city) eliminated the task is completed more than half. According to the environmental protection department bulletin, 1-9 month, our province has eliminated the standard yellow cars and old car 88100, to complete the annual task...