新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奥尼尔被评史上最佳队友 最大遗憾没能帮詹皇夺冠

奥尼尔被评史上最佳队友 最大遗憾没能帮詹皇夺冠

O'Neill was awarded the history best teammate biggest regret can't help James Wong won

2015-08-19 12:41:53来源: 新浪

奥尼尔和詹姆斯 新浪体育讯 北京时间8月19日消息,据《cheat sheet》报道,沙奎尔-奥尼尔虽然已经退役,但他的历史地位仍然值得讨论。专家杰森-奥舍尔表示,奥尼尔是NBA历史上最好的队友...

O'Neill and James sina sports news Beijing time on August 19 news, according to "cheat sheet" reports, Shaquille O'Neal although already retired, but his place in history still worth discussing. Expert Osher - Jason said, O'neal is the best teammate in NBA history...