新关注 > 信息聚合 > 潍坊最美孝媳王旭芳带婆婆改嫁 用实际行动践行孝..

潍坊最美孝媳王旭芳带婆婆改嫁 用实际行动践行孝..

Weifang best XiaoXi Wang Xufang mother remarried With practical action to practice filial piety..

2016-04-13 20:14:22来源: 大河网

齐鲁网4月13日讯 王旭芳家庭,家住山东省安丘市石埠子镇蒯沟村,全家共5口人。王旭芳原藉沂水县富官庄乡后陈村,1999年与蒯沟村村民殷玉智结婚,生育女儿殷婧雯。 王旭芳家庭照(与丈夫、长女、次女)...

Qilu network - April 13 Wang Xufang family, who lives in shandong province anqiu Dan port town kuai ditch village, a family of five people. Wang Xufang original by phenomenon.the rich Alfred chuang township HouChen Village, with 1999 kuai ditch village, the villagers YanYuZhi married, baby daughter YanJing cloud patterns. Wang Xufang family photos (with her husband, the eldest daughter, daughter)...