新关注 > 信息聚合 > 感恩2014《爱暖群星》新年晚会在珠海举行


Thanksgiving 2014 "stars" love warm New Year party held

2015-01-17 21:25:20来源: 广东新闻网

广东新闻网珠海1月17日电 (朱希 赵杰)“感恩2014《爱暖群星》新年晚会”16日晚在珠海市妇女儿童活动中心举行,来自致公党珠海市委、珠海市总工会、共青团珠海市委、珠海市民政局、珠海市妇联、珠海市...

Guangdong Zhuhai news network in Zhuhai in January 17 Xinhua (Zhu Xi Zhao Jie) "2014" stars "Thanksgiving love warm New Year party" held the evening of 16 in the city of Zhuhai women and children's activity center, from the Zhi Gong Party Zhuhai municipal Party committee, Zhuhai City Federation of trade unions, the Communist Youth League in Zhuhai municipal Party committee, the Civil Affairs Bureau of Zhuhai City, Zhuhai City, Zhuhai city women's federation...