新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赵克志在石家庄铁道大学调研 强调加快推进一流大..

赵克志在石家庄铁道大学调研 强调加快推进一流大..

Zhao Kezhi in Shijiazhuang Railway University Research stressed that to accelerate the promotion of first-class.

2016-02-27 12:01:58来源: 人民网

2月25日,河北省委书记、省人大常委会主任赵克志到石家庄铁道大学调研。这是赵克志在学校工程训练中心观看试验设施和模型演示,详细了解学科建设、人才培养、科研成果等情况。记者 郭昭摄 2月25日下午...

February 25th, Hebei provincial Party committee secretary, the provincial people's Congress Chairman Zhao Kezhi to Shijiazhuang Railway University research. This is Zhao Kezhi in the school engineering training center to watch test facilities and model demonstration, a detailed understanding of the discipline construction, personnel training, scientific research, etc.. Reporter Guo Zhao photo on February 25th afternoon...