新关注 > 信息聚合 > 武汉四环线项目举办“身边的陈超英”事迹演讲比赛


Wuhan city of Victoria line project organized around Chen Chaoying deeds speech competition

2015-05-27 22:47:46来源: 荆楚网

《"岗位典范-我身边的陈超英"先进事迹》演讲比赛现场 中建三局武汉西四环线第一项目经理部周璟瑶正在演讲 荆楚网消息(记者钟剑桥 通讯员 刘赋 符捷)为优质高速建好武汉四环线积聚强大正能量,20...

"" post model - me Chen Chaoying "deeds" speech contest site built three Bureau West Fourth Ring Road, Wuhan first project manager for the Department of Zhou Jingyao is speech Jingchu net news (remember who Zhong Jianqiao correspondent Liu Fu ~ 2 Fu Jie) for high speed built in Wuhan city of Victoria Line accumulation of strong positive energy, 20...