新关注 > 信息聚合 > 学生说唱普法让校园嗨起来


Legal rap students make the campus hi up

2015-09-17 08:02:05来源: 新华报业网

原标题:学生说唱普法让校园嗨起来 本报讯记者潘从武通讯员柯岩一说起普法,可能您想到的画面要么是严肃、庄严的会议场景,要么是发传单、猜谜之类的活动场景。而近日,新疆兵团第七师一三○团学生创造性地利...

original title: Legal rap students make the campus hi up Washington correspondent reporter Wu phoon Kawa Ichi speaking of the Franco Prussian, may think of your picture or is serious, solemn meeting scene, or leaflets, guess the riddle like activities of the scene. Recently, the students' creative Austria Xinjiang Corps seventh division one three regiment...