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嘘也无妨!李根五棵松找回手感 5成准星还击挑衅

Sh is just as well! Ri wukesong back feel 5 into interior riposte provocation

2016-05-10 22:26:05来源: 网易

网易体育5月10日报道: 北京时间今天晚上,中澳男篮对抗赛继续进行,中国男篮与澳大利亚男篮转战北京,中国队因为没完没了的失误无缘逆转,最终也以65-76不敌澳大利亚遭遇连败。本场比赛,尽管在开场便遭到了现场球迷的嘘声,但李根却丝毫没有受到影响,全场比赛他8投4中,轻松拿到了9分3篮板。...

May 10, netease sports coverage: Beijing time tonight, in the men's basketball tournament, the Chinese men's basketball team with the Australian men's basketball team to Beijing, China for endless error and no reverse and eventually Australia suffered a losing streak with a 65-65 loss. The game, although in the beginning was the scene fans booing, but ri is not affected, the match 4 of 8 shots, he easily got the 9 points and 3 rebounds. ...