新关注 > 信息聚合 > 众泰T600 2.0T车型上市 售价11.58万起

众泰T600 2.0T车型上市 售价11.58万起

Zotye T600 2.0T models listed price 115800

2014-11-24 07:56:55来源: 中国广播网

众泰T600 2.0T于11月23日正式上市,新车搭载三菱4G63 2.0T发动机,匹配5速手动变速箱或DCT双离合变速箱。根据官方信息,最先上市的是三款搭载DCT双离合变速箱的自动挡车型,手动挡车...

Zotye T600 2.0T in November 23rd officially listed, the new car carrying Mitsubishi 4G63 2.0T engine, matching the 5 speed manual transmission or DCT dual clutch gearbox. According to official information, the first listed is three with DCT dual clutch gearbox of the automatic transmission models, manual transmission car...