新关注 > 信息聚合 > 男子情迷僵尸电影 头贴符咒身穿清官服逛街(图)

男子情迷僵尸电影 头贴符咒身穿清官服逛街(图)

Man discovering a zombie movie head wearing official clothes shopping spells (Figure)

2014-11-19 13:37:18来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动(0) 台湾屏东县街道上出现“僵尸逛街”的画面。图自东森新闻台 有路人上前合影。图自东森新闻台 中新网11月19日电 据台湾东森新闻报道,台湾屏东县街道上出现“僵尸逛街”的画面。扮僵尸...

interactive participation (0) "zombie shopping" picture of Taiwan Pingtung County street. Map from the eastern news passers-by come forward to a group photo. Map from the news station in new network on 19 November, according to the Taiwan News reported, "zombie shopping" picture of Taiwan Pingtung County street. Dress up as zombies...

标签: 电影