新关注 > 信息聚合 > HTC 826仅2299元起 天猫电器城火热开售

HTC 826仅2299元起 天猫电器城火热开售

HTC 826 only 2299 yuan Tmall Electrical City hot sale

2015-02-13 00:23:00来源: IT168

【IT168 什么值得买】HTC Desire 826是近期刚刚发布的一款主打自拍功能的新机,前后双1300万像素摄像头的配置在业界少有。同时机身正面、后壳和边框的三种不同配色的撞色设计也非常适合追...

[IT168] what is worth buying HTC Desire 826 is a new machine has recently released a main timer function, before and after the double 13000000 pixel camera configuration is less in the industry. Bump color design three different color at the same time, the fuselage positive after the shell and the frame is also very suitable for recovery...

标签: 天猫