新关注 > 信息聚合 > 俄媒:俄奥运代表队3名跆拳道运动员全部获批参赛


Russian media: Russian Olympic team three taekwondo athletes all approved entries

2016-07-29 18:56:12来源: 中国新闻网

中新网7月29日电 据俄罗斯卫星网29日报道,俄罗斯跆拳道联盟主席捷列霍夫表示,世界跆拳道联合会(WTF)正式确认,俄罗斯3名运动员全部获批参加里约奥运会。 国际奥委会执委会7月24日决定,不禁止俄罗斯全队参加2016年里约奥运会,把确定哪些运动员可以参赛的权利留给国际单项体育联合会...

BEIJING, July 29, according to the Russian satellite network 29 reported that Russian Taekwondo Union, 席捷列霍夫 said the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) officially confirmed that Russia approved all three athletes to participate in the Rio Olympics. IOC Executive Board on July 24 decided not to ban the Russian team to participate in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, international sports federations to determine which athletes participating rights reserved for ...