新关注 > 信息聚合 > 官方公布买卖问题疫苗人员 线索涉及北京6人

官方公布买卖问题疫苗人员 线索涉及北京6人

Vaccine researchers clues in buying and selling official Beijing 6 people

2016-03-20 08:15:22来源: 中国青年网

本报讯(记者 张小妹)昨晚,山东省食药监局官网发布《关于庞某等非法经营疫苗案有关线索的通告》,公开了向涉案庞某等提供疫苗及生物制品的上线线索107条,以及从庞某等处购进疫苗及生物制品的下线线索193...

Report from our correspondent (reporter Zhang Xiaomei) last night, in shandong province food and drug administration's official website, issued the decision on Mr Some illegal operations such as vaccine clues of circular, exposes to pang involved a vaccine and biological products such as online clues to 107, and purchased from pang a place such as vaccines and biological products offline leads 193...