新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全民超神新手最强英雄推荐 不想花钱看这里

全民超神新手最强英雄推荐 不想花钱看这里

National godlike novice strongest heroes recommend don't want to pay to see here

2015-10-03 18:18:53来源: 4399

在全民超神中非R玩家想要取得好的成绩靠的更多的是技术,并不是花钱才能有强力的英雄。一些常见的英雄在好的技术下可以发挥出无穷的威力,下面小编就给大家推荐几个非常适合新手的最强英雄! 狄安娜是系统赠送...

in national godlike non r players want to get good grades on more technology and not spend money in order to have powerful heroes. Some common heroes in good technology can play a powerful, the following small series will give you recommend a few very suitable for the novice's strongest hero! Diana is a system presented...