新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电影《百团大战》定档9月1日 唐国强再演毛泽东

电影《百团大战》定档9月1日 唐国强再演毛泽东

Film "hundred regiments" fixed gear September 1, Tang Guoqiang recapitulation of Mao Zedong

2015-06-29 07:47:24来源: 人民网

京华时报讯(记者高宇飞)昨天,记者从中影了解到,影片《百团大战》已宣布定档9月1日上映,该片汇集唐国强、王伍福、印小天、吴越等担纲主演,再现抗战时期重点战役“百团大战”的惊心动魄时刻。 作为献礼反法西斯战争胜利70周年之作,电影《百团大战》由宁海强、张玉中联合执导,片中唐国强、王伍福...

Jinghua times (reporter Gao Yu Fei) yesterday, the reporter learned from the film, film "hundred regiments" has announced fixed gear September 1 release, starring the film collection of Tang Guoqiang, Wang Wufu, yinxiaotian, Wuyue featuring the reproduction key battles during the war of resistance against Japan "the hundred regiment war" thrilling moments. As a tribute to the victory of the anti fascist war 70 years, film "hundred regiments" by Ning Haiqiang, Zhang Yuzhong co directed, the film Tang Guoqiang, Wang Wufu...

标签: 电影