新关注 > 信息聚合 > 经典画面重现!九把刀代替柯震东亲吻陈晓


Classical picture reproduction! Nine knife instead of Ke Zhendong kiss Chen Xiao

2016-07-22 00:40:45来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,陈研希、陈晓[微博]5日在大陆合肥领证,19日在北京雁栖湖举办婚宴,划船进场的场面引发许多讨论,21日晚上她在文华东方酒店举办归宁宴,曾执导《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》的...

Sina entertainment news according to Taiwan media reports, Chen Yanxi, Chen Xiao [micro-blog]5 in Hefei, said, 19 days in Beijing Yanqi weddings, boating scenes approach caused many discussions, she held at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel on the evening of 21 mothering feast, once directed "in those years, we were chasing the girl"...