新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宁泽涛晒厨房照遭手指抢镜 被曝最爱吃海鲜

宁泽涛晒厨房照遭手指抢镜 被曝最爱吃海鲜

NingZeTao basked in the kitchen by finger rob mirror Had a favorite to eat seafood

2016-02-18 21:55:09来源: 网易

网易体育2月18日报道: 宁泽涛“坚持21天晒照片”行动来到了第四天,相比第三天一张阴天的照片完全没有露出真颜,这一次宁泽涛好歹露出了自己的手,比划出四只手指,寓意自己已经晒照片来到了第四天。 ...

February 18, netease sports coverage: NingZeTao "21 days bask in photos" action to the fourth day, compared to the third day a picture of cloudy no show true yan, this time NingZeTao somehow out of her hand, her out four fingers, meaning they have sun photos came to the fourth day. ...