新关注 > 信息聚合 > 法网莎娃直落7局完胜同胞 进32强会师斯托瑟

法网莎娃直落7局完胜同胞 进32强会师斯托瑟

Fa Ossava straight seven innings victory over compatriots into the top 32 realignment Stosur Netease

2015-05-27 18:54:23来源: 网易

卫冕冠军莎拉波娃后程发力,凭借直落7局的表现送蛋力压同胞迪亚琴科,顺利跻身法网女单32强。第3轮争夺里莎娃将对阵状态火热的澳洲名将斯托瑟,2010年赛会亚军斯托瑟仅丢1局血洗了本土小将海瑟。 网易体育5月27日报道: 2015赛季法国网球公开赛展开女单次轮角逐,赛会卫冕冠军莎拉波娃两...

defending champion Maria Sharapova Houcheng hair force, with straight seven inning performance send eggs beat compatriots diatchenko, smoothly among the French Open women's singles 32. In the 3rd round of the competition Risava will against the state of hot Australian champion Stosur, 2010 tournament runner up Stosur lost only 1 Bureau bloodbath the local teenager heather. Netease sports reported on May 27: 2015 season, the French Open tennis tournament started in women's singles second round of the competition, competition defending champion Maria Sharapova.