新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专家:中国房地产税征收存法理障碍 未来规模或有限

专家:中国房地产税征收存法理障碍 未来规模或有限

Expert: China's real estate tax collection deposit legal obstacle to the future size or limited

2015-05-13 00:21:51来源: 新浪

FX168讯 对于中国迟迟未获进展的房地产税,原国家税务总局[微博]副局长许善达周二表示,土地国有制下征收私人住宅的房地产税,少有他国的可借鉴经验,即便将来全面开征,规模也会比私有土地经济体房产税的...

FX168 news for China has been slow progress has not been a real estate tax, the former State Administration of taxation [microblogging] Xu Shanda, deputy director on Tuesday said, the ownership of land levy private residential real estate tax, less he can learn from the experience, even if future full levy, scale than private land economy property tax...