新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天谕悟性怎么储存 灵心之钥怎么用

天谕悟性怎么储存 灵心之钥怎么用

Day encyclical understanding how to store key of soul to

2015-07-07 22:44:33来源: TechWeb

考虑学生玩家考试期及暑假出游,6月30日馈灵工商特别上架开启悟性瓶注入悟性的钥匙【灵心之钥】,使用后可储存15天的今日悟性! 【灵心之钥】在特惠福利-积分福利页1积分兑换,累计充值积分1000以上...

consider student player exam period and the summer travel, June 30 fed Ling business special shelves to open the savvy bottle into the understanding of key [soul key], after use can be understanding today 15 days of storage. The key of the soul is in the preferential benefit - the integral welfare page 1 integral exchange, accumulative total recharge points 1000 above...