新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盘点2015值得期待的PS4平台游戏大作


Check 2015 is worth looking forward to the PS4 platform game masterpiece

2015-01-14 07:40:53来源: 中关村在线

2015年到来,最值得游戏玩家的高兴的事其中一件可能是国行版PS4即将发布,而且非常有可能不锁区。虽说PS4国行版发行一波三折,但小编相信很快就能买到。买完主机,就该买游戏了。2015年大作扎堆,很多实力游戏即将发布。 单是看一下2015年游戏发布的日期表,玩家肯定要激动的尖叫。原本...

2015 year arrival, most is worth the happy matter game player may be in one line version of the PS4 is about to release, and very likely not lock. Although the line version of the PS4 issuer striking one snag after another, but Xiaobian believe that soon will be able to buy. After buying the host, should buy the game. 2015 as simple, a lot of strength of the upcoming releases. One is to look at the 2015 games release date table, game player must be excited scream. The original...

标签: PS 游戏 PS4