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盘点-比佩德罗更牛的首秀 国安9-1有个神人

Inventory - Be Pedro of cattle and more debut Guoan 9-1 had a man Sina

2015-08-26 19:38:59来源: 新浪

佩德罗首秀十分惊艳 新浪体育讯 过去几天,佩德罗无疑是国际足坛最热门的人物,在加盟切尔西的首场比赛中,这位前巴萨边锋就用一传一射惊艳了整个英伦,穆里尼奥甚至夸赞他“接近马拉多纳的水准”。回溯往事...

Pedro first show very stunning of sina sports dispatch in the past few days, Pedro is undoubtedly the most popular figures in international football, in joining Chelsea's first game, the former Barcelona winger with a one shot amaze the whole England, Mourinho even praised his "close to Maradona's level." Back to the past...