新关注 > 信息聚合 > "何炅吃空饷"爆料者被网友人肉 称每天收恐吓信

"何炅吃空饷"爆料者被网友人肉 称每天收恐吓信

"He Jiong eat empty rates whistleblowers netizen person pork every day received a threatening letter

2015-05-25 18:17:06来源: 人民网

原标题:"何炅吃空饷"爆料者被网友人肉 称每天收恐吓信 央广网北京5月25日消息 据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,“何炅吃空饷”事件始于5月13号晚北外副教授乔木发的微博。4天后,事件以何炅辞去教...

original title:" he Jiong eat empty rates whistleblowers said every day received a threatening letter CNR net Beijing on May 25 news, according to voice of China "news" reported the evening peak, "he Jiong eat empty rates" event began in May 13th night Beiwai, associate professor of Qiao Mufa microblogging friends of human flesh. 4 days later, the incident with He Jiong resigned from the Church...