新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汪国新委员:谨防“人生四道关,都成收费站”


Wang Guoxin members: beware of "life four road toll stations, are"

2015-03-02 18:59:41来源: 人民网

全国政协委员、中国法治诗书画院院长汪国新(资料图片) 中国经济网北京3月2日讯 (《中国经济信息》杂志记者 梅淑娥 专栏)全国两会召开前夕,记者采访了全国政协委员汪国新,汪国新委员积极参政议政,今年参加全国两会准备提交的提案中,有一份是关于加强公众服务,谨防“人生每道关,都成收费站”...

members of the CPPCC National Committee, Dean of law China poem art Wang Guoxin (picture) Chinese Economic Net Beijing on March 2nd news ("Chinese economic information" magazine reporter Mei Shue column) National NPC and CPPCC hold eve, the reporter interviewed members of the CPPCC National Committee Wang Guoxin, Wang Guoxin members of the active political participation, this year to participate in the national NPC and CPPCC ready to submit a proposal, one on the strengthening of the public service, beware of "each turn of life, has become the toll station"...