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The first is ...... Spain striker Fernando Torres! Life winner win everything

2016-04-21 02:53:28来源: 新浪

托雷斯爆发 新浪体育讯 费尔南多-托雷斯至今不知道,下赛季他会在哪里踢球,也不清楚,还能不能搭上前往欧洲杯的航班。不过,一个显而易见的事实是,T9的人生赢家模式已经开启,进入2016年,他是西班牙射手中的NO.1! 进入新的一年后,托雷斯的生涯篇章似乎也被翻新,在2016年,他出...

Fernando Torres outbreak AP - Torres still do not know where he will be next season to play, do not know, can not catch a flight to Europe Cup. However, an obvious fact is, T9 mode winner in life has been turned into 2016, he was the Spanish striker in the NO.1! Into the new year, the chapter Torres career seems to have been refurbished in 2016, he was a ...