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亚运会跆拳道女子-73kg级 柬埔寨选手夺得冠军

The Asian Games women's Taekwondo class -73kg Kampuchea player to win the championship

2014-10-03 17:39:26来源: 网易

2014年仁川亚运会,在刚刚结束的跆拳道女子-73公斤级比赛中,柬埔寨选手索恩以7-4战胜伊朗选手罗哈尼,夺得本国在本届亚运会上的首枚金牌。 网易体育10月3日报道: 2014年仁川亚运会,在刚刚结束的跆拳道女子-73公斤级比赛中,柬埔寨选手索恩以7-4战胜伊朗选手罗哈尼,夺得本国在...

2014 years of Inchon Asian Games, in the just concluded the women's Taekwondo -73 kg class competition, Kampuchea contestant Thorne by 7-4 defeats Iran contestant Lohani, won the country in the Asian Games the first gold medal. NetEase sports reported on October 3rd: the 2014 Inchon Asian Games, in the just concluded the women's Taekwondo -73 kg class competition, Kampuchea contestant Thorne by 7-4 defeats Iran contestant Lohani, won the domestic in...