新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西京学院:陕西省民办高校首届研究生学位授予仪..


Xijing university: the first research in private colleges of Shaanxi degree awarded instrument..

2015-06-11 15:08:55来源: 中国教育在线

6月10日上午,陕西省民办高校首届研究生学位授予仪式在西京学院举行。期间,分别授予机械工程、控制工程两个方向26名毕业生工程硕士学位,这是陕西省民办高校首批毕业的专业硕士学位研究生。 学位授予期间...

6 month on the 10th morning, the first research in private colleges of Shaanxi degree awarding ceremony held in Xijing university. During the two directions of mechanical engineering, control engineering 26 graduate engineering master degree, this is the first graduate students in private colleges and universities in Shaanxi province. Degree granting period...