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戴杯决赛对阵:穆雷单双打兼顾 有望独取三分

Davis Cup final against: Murray in singles and doubles balance is expected to only take three Netease

2015-11-26 23:15:47来源: 网易

网易体育11月26日报道: 北京时间11月26日消息,本周末戴维斯杯决赛将在比利时展开较量,比利时和英国为冠军而战,而北京时间今晚决赛抽签结果揭晓,不出人们所料,身为英国一哥的安迪-穆雷将出战三场...

Netease sports November 26 reported on: Beijing time on November 26, this weekend the Davis Cup final will in Belgium contest, Belgium and the UK for the championship, and Beijing time tonight must match draw results announced, people expected, for the UK, a brother of Andy Murray will play three games...