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Fan Bingbing recorded programs uniform temptation "legs career fan

2015-07-09 19:12:01来源: 中国青年网

范冰冰一身职业装亮相 腾讯娱乐讯 昨日刚刚在《小时代4》首映红毯上公主抱郭敬明的范冰冰,今日被网友目击在京拍摄真人秀节目《挑战者联盟》。网友曝光的照片中,男女嘉宾们以职业装出场,其中范冰冰身着灰色职业套裙,脚踩黑色高跟鞋,露出美腿,显得瘦了不少,尽显职业女性的魅力。此外,李晨、吴亦凡...

Fan Bingbing a professional dress appearance Tencent Entertainment News yesterday just in the small time 4 premiere on the red carpet hold the princess Guo Fan Bingbing today and is witnessed friends in Beijing Shooting reality show" pick war alliance ". Netizen exposure photographs, male and female guests in a professional installed appearance, including Fan Bingbing dressed in grey professional dress, black high-heeled shoes foot, exposing the legs, is a lot thinner, the filling of professional women's charm. In addition, Li Chen, Wu Yifan...