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日产逍客、奇骏概念版官图发布 3月1日亮相

Nissan X-Trail, Qashqai concept version of the official release March 1st debut

2016-02-27 00:49:08来源: 人民网

人民网北京2月26日电(鄂智超)日前,日产发布了逍客与奇骏的两款概念车官图,新车将在3月1日亮相,并在随后的日内瓦车展上展出。 两款概念车分别基于普通版逍客与奇骏车型,分别命名为QASHQAI ...

People net Beijing on February 26 E Zhichao before the, Nissan released the Qashqai and X-Trail two concept car official figure, the new car will be debut on March 1, and in the subsequent Geneva auto show display. Two concept cars are based on the ordinary version of the Qashqai and X-Trail models, named QASHQAI...