新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浦和主帅坚称能赢国安 告诉球员两条妙计

浦和主帅坚称能赢国安 告诉球员两条妙计

Urawa boss insists to win national security told the players two ideas for

2015-04-07 20:18:31来源: 新浪

德扬备战中 新浪体育讯 明天晚上18点30分,北京国安队将在客场迎战浦和红钻队,这也是双方在亚冠联赛小组赛的第二回合比赛。此前浦和红钻队已经三连败,如果明天不能取胜就将在主场面对提前两轮出局的命...

Sina Sina sports dispatch tomorrow at eighteen thirty in the evening, Beijing Guoan on the road against Urawa Red Diamonds team, this is the two sides in the AFC Champions League League group stage second round game. After Urawa gongzuan team has been losing streak, if tomorrow will not win in the face of home court ahead of two out of life...