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分享的时代 社交网络时代的摄影之道

The era of social network era photography of

2015-02-03 14:28:28来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】还记得以前摄影论坛里面每天都在为器材好不好而争得不可开交吗?还记得在许多地方讨论照片的时候都在评论其画质怎么样吗?还记得在各种相机评测文章中测试画质如何如何的情况吗?这些问题都是...

[IT168] share information remember photography forum inside every day for the equipment is good and bickered? Remember in many places to discuss the photos when they are in their comments on quality how? Remember how test quality situation in various camera review these problems are in?...

标签: 社交